Welcome to the the Homemade madness CHEETAH buggy.
After a lot of requests, I’ve finally made a set of plans which will make it possible for almost everyone with a bit of metal working knowledge, and some basic tools to make this buggy. The buggy is designed to be good looking, strong, safe, and relatively easy and cheap to make. But above all that, it is designed to be FAST&FUN!
This buggy will bring your passion for go karts to the next level. Im sure you can build it, as long as you work accurately from the beginning, be creative, and show a little bit of perseverance.
The plans will only get you as far as making a rolling frame! This means a the entire rollcage, and suspension setup. After you have made this, you will have to get creative and make the rest yourself, using my video’s as a guide of course.
Make sure to check out this Reader Cheetah for more information about the build, if youre still interested afterwards, go to the shop section, and get yourself some plans!
In the link below you can find the over all dimensions of the buggy.
Over all dimensions

HOMEMADE MADNESS is the sole creator and owner of these cheetah buggy plans. The homemade-madness website is the only source for these plans. Homemade madness does not authorize these plans to be resold or redistributed in any form or modification hereafter. These PDF documents are copyrighted. HOMEMADE MADNESS does not authorize resale, or redistribution in ANY form.
Plans user (you) releases, discharges, and relinquishes all liability from HOMEMADE MADNESS when downloading plans, building, and driving or allows others to drive the CHEETAH BUGGY. HOMEMADE MADNESS retains indemnity, is saved, protected and held harmless from all forms of liability from the use of these plans. Plans user (you) assume all responsibility and liability from the moment you purchase, view, share and/or use the plans.
This buggy is meant for recreational use only, and should never be used on public roads, or in motorsport racing. The Rollcage/framing does NOT meet FIA, NHRA or any kind of motorsport other regulation. And should therefore only be used on private property.