One of the best ways to have fun on the water is with a jetski. Ive always wanted to build my own jetski and the good thing is, you can do it too now! find your plans for this epic project in the shop menu! The plans are super easy to follow and you almost cannot go wrong with building this thing. Have fun building, and ofcourse riding!

So over the last few months I’ve been working really hard, doing research and engineering this thing, but now the plans are finally complete, so hereby I’d like to proudly present, the Homemade madness MADSKI. The most time consuming thing about engineering this thing was simply making it look good, but I’m really happy with how it turned out! I designed this thing to be easily makeable by pretty much everyone. All you really need to build one, is a workshop, a jigsaw a sander and some basic woodworking knowledge. These plans take you trough the building process step by step, just like a Lego guide, and the parts are all made to fit into each other precisely, literally like a jigsaw puzzle. On the website you can find two versions, the one I’m building on YouTube will have an inboard engine, and a homemade jet drive. But building a jet drive and connecting it to an inboard can be a bit difficult and expensive, that’s why there’s a second version available, which is slightly modified to fit an outboard engine. This way you can easily build the jetski using the plans, and then simply put like a 20 to 50 horsepower engine behind it, and believe me, if you do that, you will have just as much fun and look better than the commonly available outboard-jetski’s. Best thing is you can build this for as little as a 1000 dollars in building materials And you can easily finish it quickly because by using the plans, you can build this thing in a matter of days.
So The Madski quiet a big vessel, way bigger than the original jetski’s or waverunners, and it can easily carry three people. And its got a really big engine room, meaning it can fit pretty much any engine, I’ll be putting a 1200cc superbike engine in mine, but it could also easily fit something like a Maita engine. So all of the parts needed in the plans are cut from plywood sheeting. Now to cut the parts I first thought about having them CNC milled or laser cut, but I didn’t really feel that would fit the fully homemade style, and also it would be pretty expensive. So I came up with something else, using one to one paper templates which you can glue to the plywood so you can easily cut the parts yourself. Best thing is you can have these papers printed by a local company for as little as 50 bucks.
For more info about materials and other stuff, check out this READER: MADSKI READER
HOMEMADE MADNESS is the sole creator and owner of these Jetski plans. The homemade-madness website is the only source for these plans. Homemade madness does not authorize these plans to be resold or redistributed in any form or modification hereafter. These PDF documents are copyrighted. HOMEMADE MADNESS does not authorize resale, or redistribution in ANY form.
Plans user (you) releases, discharges, and relinquishes all liability from HOMEMADE MADNESS when downloading plans, building, and driving or allows others to drive the MADSKI. HOMEMADE MADNESS retains indemnity, is saved, protected and held harmless from all forms of liability from the use of these plans. Plans user (you) assume all responsibility and liability from the moment you purchase, view, share and/or use the plans.